Sunday, 20 November 2005
My 1st page
I wanted to use this image of a cat I drew some time ago. In our family, it is called "The Ashton Cat" although for purposes of this, it has turned into "Growltiger". My husband (Paul) nicknamed the Ashton cat because he said it reminded him of my brothers' and my impishness.

When you open up the page, you see T.S. Eliot's poem "Growltiger's Last Stand".

When you open up the page, you see T.S. Eliot's poem "Growltiger's Last Stand".

Growltiger's Last Stand
Growltiger was a Bravo Cat, who travelled on a barge:
In fact he was the roughtest cat that ever roamed at large.
From Gravesend up to Oxford he pursued his evil aims,
Rejoicing in his title of `The Terror of the Thames'.
His manners and appearance did not calculate to please;
His coat was torn and seedz, he was baggy at the knees;
One ear was somewhat missing, no need to tell you why,
And he scowled upon a hostile world from one forbidding eye.
The cottagers of Rotherhithe knewsomething of his fame;
At Hammersmith and Putney people shuddered at his name.
They would fortity the hen-house, lock up the silly goose,
When the rumour ran along the shore: GROWLTIGER'S ON THE LOOSE!
Woe to the weak canary, that fluttered from its cage;
Woe to the pampered Pekinese, that faced Growltiger's rage;
Woe to the bristly Bandicoot, that lurks on foreign ships,
And woe to any Cat with whom Growltiger came to grips!
But most to Cats of foreign race his hatred had been vowed;
To Cats of foreign name and race no quarter was allowed.
The Persian and the Siamese regarded him with fear -
Because it was a Siamese had maulted his missing ear.
Now on a peaceful summer night, all nature seemed at play,
The tender moon was shining bright, the barge at Molesey lay.
All in the balmy moonlight it lay rocking on the tide -
And Growltiger was disposed to show his sentimental side.
His bucko mate, GRUMBUSKIN, long since had disappeared,
For to the Bell at Hampton he had gone to wet his beard;
And his bosun, TUMBLEBRUTUS, he too had stol'n away -
In the yard behind the Lion he was prowling for his prey.
In the forepeak of the vessel Growltiger sate alone,
Concentrating his attention on the Lady GRIDDLEBONE.
And his raffish crew were sleeping in their barrels and their bunks -
As the Siamese came creeping in their sampans and their junks.
Growltiger hd no eye for aught but Griddlebone,
And the Lady seemed enraptured by his manly baritone,
Disposed to relaxation, and awaiting no surprise -
But the moonlight shone reflected from a hundred bright blue eyes.
And closer still and closer the sampans circled round,
And yet from all the enemy there was not heard a sound.
The lovers sang their last duet, in danger of their lives -
For the foe was armed wit htoasting forks and cruel carving knives.
Then GILBERT gave the signal to his fierce Mongolian horde;
With a frightful burst of fireworks the Chinks they swarmed aboard.
Abandoning their sampans, and their pullaways and junks,
They battened down the hatches on the crew within their bunks.
Then Griddlebone she gave a screech, for she was badly skeered;
I am sorry to admit it, but she quickly disappeared.
She probably escaped with ease, I'm sure she was not drowned -
But a serried ring of flashing steel Growltiger did surround.
The ruthless foe pressed forward, in stubborn rank on rank;
Growltiger to his vast surprise was forced to walk the plank.
He who a hundred victims had driven to that drop,
At the end of all his crimes was forced to go ker-flip, ker-flop.
Oh there was joy in Wapping when the news flewthrough the land;
At Maidenhead and Henley there was dancing on the strand.
Rats were roasted whole at Brentford, and at Victoria Dock,
And a day of celebration was commanded in Bangkok.
Growltiger was a Bravo Cat, who travelled on a barge:
In fact he was the roughtest cat that ever roamed at large.
From Gravesend up to Oxford he pursued his evil aims,
Rejoicing in his title of `The Terror of the Thames'.
His manners and appearance did not calculate to please;
His coat was torn and seedz, he was baggy at the knees;
One ear was somewhat missing, no need to tell you why,
And he scowled upon a hostile world from one forbidding eye.
The cottagers of Rotherhithe knewsomething of his fame;
At Hammersmith and Putney people shuddered at his name.
They would fortity the hen-house, lock up the silly goose,
When the rumour ran along the shore: GROWLTIGER'S ON THE LOOSE!
Woe to the weak canary, that fluttered from its cage;
Woe to the pampered Pekinese, that faced Growltiger's rage;
Woe to the bristly Bandicoot, that lurks on foreign ships,
And woe to any Cat with whom Growltiger came to grips!
But most to Cats of foreign race his hatred had been vowed;
To Cats of foreign name and race no quarter was allowed.
The Persian and the Siamese regarded him with fear -
Because it was a Siamese had maulted his missing ear.
Now on a peaceful summer night, all nature seemed at play,
The tender moon was shining bright, the barge at Molesey lay.
All in the balmy moonlight it lay rocking on the tide -
And Growltiger was disposed to show his sentimental side.
His bucko mate, GRUMBUSKIN, long since had disappeared,
For to the Bell at Hampton he had gone to wet his beard;
And his bosun, TUMBLEBRUTUS, he too had stol'n away -
In the yard behind the Lion he was prowling for his prey.
In the forepeak of the vessel Growltiger sate alone,
Concentrating his attention on the Lady GRIDDLEBONE.
And his raffish crew were sleeping in their barrels and their bunks -
As the Siamese came creeping in their sampans and their junks.
Growltiger hd no eye for aught but Griddlebone,
And the Lady seemed enraptured by his manly baritone,
Disposed to relaxation, and awaiting no surprise -
But the moonlight shone reflected from a hundred bright blue eyes.
And closer still and closer the sampans circled round,
And yet from all the enemy there was not heard a sound.
The lovers sang their last duet, in danger of their lives -
For the foe was armed wit htoasting forks and cruel carving knives.
Then GILBERT gave the signal to his fierce Mongolian horde;
With a frightful burst of fireworks the Chinks they swarmed aboard.
Abandoning their sampans, and their pullaways and junks,
They battened down the hatches on the crew within their bunks.
Then Griddlebone she gave a screech, for she was badly skeered;
I am sorry to admit it, but she quickly disappeared.
She probably escaped with ease, I'm sure she was not drowned -
But a serried ring of flashing steel Growltiger did surround.
The ruthless foe pressed forward, in stubborn rank on rank;
Growltiger to his vast surprise was forced to walk the plank.
He who a hundred victims had driven to that drop,
At the end of all his crimes was forced to go ker-flip, ker-flop.
Oh there was joy in Wapping when the news flewthrough the land;
At Maidenhead and Henley there was dancing on the strand.
Rats were roasted whole at Brentford, and at Victoria Dock,
And a day of celebration was commanded in Bangkok.
My 2nd page
I have recently (November 2005) taken an machine embroidery course. This was the influence for this page.

I had a few technical problems. The background material (sky and grey for the wall) was ironed onto curtain stiffener using bond a web. When the stitching was finished, it was curling badly. I then glued it to a page in the book and the wet glue made the page wrinkle. Problems were resolved though, flattening the page under a pile of books solved the curl and I attached a piece of card onto the back which hid the unsightly page bubbles. I much prefer dry glues to wet ones!

I had a few technical problems. The background material (sky and grey for the wall) was ironed onto curtain stiffener using bond a web. When the stitching was finished, it was curling badly. I then glued it to a page in the book and the wet glue made the page wrinkle. Problems were resolved though, flattening the page under a pile of books solved the curl and I attached a piece of card onto the back which hid the unsightly page bubbles. I much prefer dry glues to wet ones!
Sunday, 31 July 2005
Introduction to the Numbers Glue Book
I was introduced to glue books from Lisa Vollrath's page and joined her yahoo group at They are great fun.
The theme at the moment is the numbers 1-10. I keep my images in boxes according to subject (e.g. Animals, Plants, People). I have a box called "Art" and decided to create this glue book only using images from that box.
I find creating these glue books very restful. I recommend it.
You may be interested in the preceeding book - A-Z which can be found at:
The theme at the moment is the numbers 1-10. I keep my images in boxes according to subject (e.g. Animals, Plants, People). I have a box called "Art" and decided to create this glue book only using images from that box.
I find creating these glue books very restful. I recommend it.
You may be interested in the preceeding book - A-Z which can be found at:
Saturday, 23 July 2005
Introduction to the Alphabet Glue Book
OK, I created this blog to show off my glue books - not made any yet though! I was introduced to glue books from Lisa Vollrath's page and joined her yahoo group at They are great fun.
The theme at the moment is letters of the alphabet. I keep my images in boxes according to subject (e.g. Animals, Plants, People). I have a box called "Art" and decided to create this glue book only using images from that box.
I find creating these glue books very restful. I recommend it.
"A" is at the bottom of the blog and "Z" is at the top.
The theme at the moment is letters of the alphabet. I keep my images in boxes according to subject (e.g. Animals, Plants, People). I have a box called "Art" and decided to create this glue book only using images from that box.
I find creating these glue books very restful. I recommend it.
"A" is at the bottom of the blog and "Z" is at the top.
X is for 10
U is for Umbrella
P is for Pot
Monday, 18 July 2005
Additional Information about this blog
The theme at the moment is letters of the alphabet. I keep my images in boxes according to subject (e.g. Animals, Plants, People). I have a box called "Art" and decided to create this glue book only using images from that box.
I find creating these glue books very restful. I recommend it.
I find creating these glue books very restful. I recommend it.
Sunday, 17 July 2005
Need to read this upside down
This is the first time that I have made multiple posts on my blog. They are shown latest first which means I should really have created the posts the other way around (if you see what I mean). Any way, for this blog only, I suggest you go to the bottom and read the messages upwards.
Page 2

This page grew organically. The mermaid had to be done twice because I ripped her arm off the first time tee hee.
The hair is soya bean ... which I bought for making paper with. I think it works quite well as hair.
We've just been to the seaside which was quite well timed and I have included some shells and a bit of sea weed.
Page 1

Although this is labelled "Page 1" this is the second page I did for the book. I really struggled with ideas. I really liked this picture but felt it needed embellishing to keep in with the spirit of deco books. Paul, my husband, thought of the idea of the fish with bubbles formed from part of the image.
I printed out the bubbles and then used clear thick embossing crystals to make them appear more bubble like. You can't see the effect clearly on this scanned image.
The main image is printed on Ink Jet Overhead Transparency "paper".
The Cover
Introduction to this blog
I belong to a Yahoo group which concentrates mainly on deco books. This particular book, "Under the Sea" was created by Puff. I have added a couple of pages to it and it is about to be sent to another 3 members of our group for them to add pages.
Monday, 4 July 2005
First Message
OK, I created this blog to show off my glue books - not made any yet though! I was introduced to glue books from Lisa Vollrath's page and joined her yahoo group at They are great fun. Off to make my first one now.
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