Tuesday, 20 September 2011

The story of the amulet

Just read the story of the amulet by E. Nesbit. The take takes place in 1905 and I presume was written at around that time.  It is in a similar vein to the lion the witch and the wardrobe but without the religious undertones. Although it is a child's book I certainly enjoyed it. I read another book about an amulet as a child in the early 70s but can't remember which one, does anybody have any ideas about what it might have been?

Sunday, 18 September 2011

year of wonders

I've just finished reading 'year of wonders' by Geraldine Brooks. It is set in Derbyshire in the plague and is fascinating. The population was decimated to the extent of an apocalypse and the survivors had great challenges to surmount. Our landscape would be very different today had it not been for the plague. The author was a war correspondent and this is her first novel. It is very well researched and I recommend it.