Our next project was to make "skins". The idea was to put some golden fluids clear tar gel into a small cup and add golden fluids acrylic paint. The clear tar gel is self levelling. However, I made a bit of a boo boo with my order and ended up with coarse garnet gel. So, I thought to myself, might as well play with this and a few other bases as well.
I put them on a window to photograph in order to show off translucency.
1 & 2. Garnet gel and golden fluid acrylics
3. Cryla texture paste
4. Gloss Enamel
5. Tubed acrylic paint
6. Acrylic Paint & PVA
Some Close UpsEnamel Acrylic Gloss
PVA and Acrylic
Golden Garnet Gel and Golden Fluids Acrylics
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