I am home now, it is a glorious day here in Blighty and I am sitting outside, taking the opportunity to add the rest of my photos to my blog.
We went to a butterfly farm just down the road from Willow's house. It was a photographic expedition, she has become the owner of a very good Canon digital camera and wanted to try it out, and of course the Blythe Dolls accompanied us because they wanted to show off.
If you like these images of the gnome and fairies and would like to use them, please feel free. Click on them to see a larger size.

There were two coach loads of children visiting the Butterfly farm. They were excitedly looking for things because they had worksheets to fill in. One of them told us with glee that if you upset a Marmoset it would pee on you.

I'm quite pleased with this photograph of the moth, the moth is clear whilst the background is out of focus.

I don't remember if the butterfly was really this colour, I think it was more vibrant in real life.

I wouldn't mind one of these snakes in my garden.

There were two Meerkats outside. One was always on guard. I watched a few "Meerkat Manor" programs on the BBC and I reckon these two must have been knackered. They take it in turns to be on guard and they would hardly have got a rest.

This paper butterfly was in the restuarant, it was at least four feet across.

We had lunch in a very nice country restaurant which has a craft shop attached, and this warning before you enter.