Sunday, 17 October 2010

Introducing Miranda

In September last year I went on a face making course with Jan Horrox in Cromer. These are the Heads that resulted. I have now created a body to go with one of the heads. Jan has a new book An Introduction to Cloth Doll Making and I used the first pattern in the book for the rest of the doll. She is called Miranda.

The legs are made from a re-cycled blouse. The body has vermicelli stitched in gold on top of organza and some recycled silk from a waist coat that a friend made. The top of the arms use the same silk, but an area which was previously dyed with silk paints. The first two pictures are work in progress pictures. Her clothes are stitched to her body so I wanted to take photos before she was covered.

Here she is finished.


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