Sometime in the summer

I've finished my first painting from Paulette Insall's all about painting class. I thought she looked a littl sad so the words are "She contemplated her future, it looked bleak".
Lesson 5 is about hair (hair and eyebrows). Looking at the photo here has made me realise that I want to even out the left and right hand side of the top.
Lesson 4 in Paulette's class is about the eyes and lips.
By the end of lesson three we have a picture with the basic shading done on the face. A lot more is to come in later lessons. More detailed shading will be don with watercolour crayons.
This is my face in progress. At the beginning of lesson three in Paulette Insall's All about faces workshop we trace the sketch on to the canvas.
This is a self portrait collage. It is homework for the second lesson of Pam Carriker's online self portrait course.
I'm doing a painting class with Paulette Insall. I have finally learned to draw a nose with nostrils which doesn't look as if it belongs to a pig.
I visted South Africa recently and we spent a weekend in Simonstown. I was able to go shoping in a fabric store and bought this placemat fabric. It is a good design for a bag. There is some thin dowel in the top to keep it straight and show off the picture.
This post is an experiment using the "Blog This" feature in Flickr.